About Us

Praxiscenter Seechirurgie has all the modern infrastructure required in primary diagnosis with digital X-ray, ultrasound diagnostics and laboratory. In addition, there is the online connection to various radiological institutes, which provides direct insight into performed MRI and CT examinations.

In addition, we have an operating room for frequent interventions within the framework of manual surgery, soft tissue surgery (skin and subcutaneous tumors), vasectomy (mating in men).
Since 2017, Mrs. Zanettin an Mrs. Camenisch are with me as the core team of the surgical praxiscenter Thalwil - SEECHIRURGIE. On the one hand, they are responsible for the administrative procedures in practice and, on the other hand, the close cooperation with me in the field of diagnostics and surgery as well as the organization of operations in the doctor's hospitals.

Dr. med. Enrico Pöschmann

After extensive training and further education at various centers, Dr. Pöschmann held a leading position at the University Hospital of Zurich (USZ) until 2010. From February 2010, he took over the surgical practice in Thalwil from his predecessor Dr. Gabriel. Since then he has strived for a qualified, high-level surgical care in the region, in collaboration with the other specialists on the left bank of Lake Zurich and the hospitals located here.

Initial and continuing education

2000 State exams and doctorate (Dr. med. - magna cum laude) at the University of Leipzig (Germany)
2000-2005 Training as Specialist for Surgery Clinic for General Surgery, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery at the Hegau-Klinikum Singen (D) and at the Surgical Clinic / Center for Orthopedic Surgery, Traumatology and Sports Medicine at Oberengadin St.Moritz / Samedan
2006 / 2007 Additional training as specialist for accident surgery Clinic for accident, hand, plastic and restoration surgery at the Klinikum Konstanz (Germany)
2007 / 2008 Head Surgeon of the Hospital Engen (D) - Surgeon / Trauma Surgeon / Transitist of the Berufsgenossenschaften (D-doctor) / Associate physician in the MVZ Hegau Engen
2008 / 2010 Oberarzt / team leader at the Department of Traumatology of the University Hospital of Zurich with Lehrauftrag of the Medical Faculty of the University of Zurich
since 2010 Transfer of the surgical practice in Thalwil by Dr. med. Th. Gabriel with doctor's activity in different hospitals

Zusätzliche Ausbildungen und Tätigkeiten

  Betriebswirtschaftsstudium mit abschließender Verleihung des Titels Diplom Gesundheitsökonom.
  Ausbildungsgang Reise- und Expeditionsmedizin/Tropenmedizin
  Ärztliche Begleitung von Expeditions- und Studienreisen (Schwerpunkte Himalaya, Südostasien, Antarctica, SA - rain forest) bei Quark, Studiosus, Mediplus und Tourvital.


  • Schweizer Ärztegesellschaft FMH
  • Ärztegesellschaft des Kantons Zürich AGZ
  • Gesellschaft der Ärzte am Zürichsee GAZ
  • Ärztevereinigung Thalwil
  • Ärztevereinigung Horgen Hirzel Oberrieden AVHHO
  • Schweizerische Belegärztevereinigung SBV
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie DGC
  • SIM Swiss Insurance Medicine
  • Bund der deutschen Chirurgen BDC
  • Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Ultraschall in der Medizin SGUM
  • Swiss Medical Experts (Vorstand)
  • Belegarztverein See-Spital
  • HGV Thalwil
  • UVO (Vorstand)
  • Donatorengruppe Fussballverein Thalwil


Med. Practice Anja Zanettin

Former employer:

August 2005 - april 2017 Bellevuepraxis Zurich, walk-in-emergency-practice
(General medicine, internal medicine, TCM and emergency medicine)

Continuing education:

January 2016 vacational trainer (SIU)
April 2016 dose-intensive x-ray (SVA)

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